22 November 2008

It Doesn't Really Effect Me, But....

I was upset when Prop 8 passed.

I'm not gay, but I am involved in the theater, and a lot of the people that I work with are gay.

And you know what? They're great, good people.

I could sit here and try to tell you what I feel about this, but I'd just get it all jumbled up. So I'm going to post this video. Take it as you will.


Slendarella said...

I'm also in theatre and agree with you that they are great ppl. And, they are normal, everyday people that I know and love who are an important part of my life.

Love the Pot Girl post! *giggle*

colbymarshall said...

I feel the same way. I have a lot of important people in my life who are gay, and I believe they deserve all the happiness and rights afforded to me.