28 February 2008

Back in the Swing of Things

This is strange to me.

I started college in August; my first semester went really well. I really didn't have a hard time adjusting to the life.

But, when I came back this semester, it was like a whole new world. Nothing really was different, but everything felt different.

I suppose it was largely because I had much less to do-- choir was canceled, I hadn't heard from my voice teacher, my classes were (and still are) mind-numbingly boring and I hadn't been cast in anything (which, I'm not going to lie, was a bit of a sore spot for me).

Anyway, I finally feel like I'm really back "in my groove," as it were. My voice classes are set up again, my classes are... well, not more interesting, but they are making more sense and I've been cast in a show again (Scotland Road-- I'm incredibly excited).

It's nice to be back on track.

And to think, it only took half the semester!

24 February 2008

I Am My Family's Dictionary

Really. It's true.

My parents and I went to see Vantage Point (yes, I still go see movies with my parents-- you want to make something of it?). All of us being rather opinionated, we spent the car ride home discussing the movie.

"It wasn't what I expected," my mom kept saying. "I thought it would flow all together. Well, not all together but all going one way... Oh what am I trying to say?"

"You thought it'd be linear?" I supplied.

"Yes, that's it, linear. I couldn't remember the word."

A few weeks ago, I was riding to a play with my parents; my dad was talking about a person he works with.

"And he's been talking to one of those people who can communicate with the dead," Dad said. "Y'know, a median."



"A medium, you mean?" I asked.

I love my parents, I really do.

But... median? Really?

I halfway wonder what they do when I'm not around to clarify what they're trying to say.

My apologies to all of the "medians" out there.

22 February 2008

(Insert Clever Title Here)

Once again, I venture into the uncharted territory that is blogging. This is something I've attempted (and failed at) several times before.

Hopefully this time I won't be distracted by something new and shiny.

No promises, though.

I think part of the problem is that I feel like I run out of clever things to say.

This time, I've decided that I'm just not going to worry about it. I'm just going to pull whatever I happen to find that I feel is worth saying out and put it here.

That said, tread through this blog at your own risk.

Much love.