Before I get to the meat of today's post (or the meat substitute, for my vegetarian friends-- love you, Michaela!), I want to thank Colby over at Spittin' (out words) Like a Llama (see my blogroll) for deciding to gift me with the Brilliante Weblog Award.
Which is cool. Oh yes.
And best of all, I get to pass the award along to three of my favorite blogs. I'll do that in just a bit, but right now, let's get to the post.
I'm a big fan of the television show Law & Order-- I think I've mentioned that in a post or two... or more. Anyway, earlier this week, I was watching an episode that was made sometime after the death of Jerry Orbach (which was a terrible loss to the acting world, if you ask me). I made the comment to my roommate that an episode of Law & Order without Jerry Orbach is like eating a cone without ice cream.
Really. You know I'm right.
Now, my roommate is a fan of Sam Waterson's character, Jack McCoy. She said that, while I may be right (and I am right... just accept it), Jack McCoy is a chocolate covered ice cream cone.
Before you ask, yes, this is the normal progression of a conversation between the two of us.
I didn't want to be outdone, so I said that Jesse L. Martin serves as the sprinkles.
So somewhere along the way, a popular courtroom drama became an ice cream treat.
I kind of think that should be every T.V. show's goal.
And now for my choices for the Brillante Weblog Award (all of these great blogs can be found in the side thingy over there that says "Blogs You Should Check Out"... unless you're reading from my facebook feed):
My brother-in-law, the Streetpreacher over at Wandering Through the Wilderness, because family always gets special treatment. (Even though he's been mean about my school's football team...I'm turning the other cheek. And slashing his tires. Shh.)
Steve and Misty at Live Granades, mostly because their blog's tagline is "Like a blog, but explodier." That and they post some fantastic pictures.
And, last but not least, Angela and Becca from The Bookshelf Muse for their wonderful tips for writers. Someone else has already given this blog this same award, but I'm going to go with the whole "it's the thought that counts" thing.
Congrats to Colby, Josh, Steve and Misty, and Angela and Becca for having great blogs.

1 comment:
Alas, I did not know streetpreacher was your brother in law! It is funny to see how people make their way around the internet world!
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