Today's antidepressant is my personal favorite.
I love quotes. I remember random witty or silly things that are said to me (or around me), and I cherish them. Today, I'm sharing some of my favorite quotes. Some are funny; some are deep.
"Everything I say is true. Except the mistakes and the lies. And the lies are just there for drama."
Eddie Izzard
"A woman is beautiful when she is loved, and only then."
Mr. Skeffington (Claude Rains) in the film Mr. Skeffington
"I want to thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities."
Tina Fey
"Does Heaven need our help to enforce its laws?
Leave vengeance to the Lord, Sir; while we live,
Our duty's not to punish but forgive
And what the Lord commands, we should obey
Without regard to what the world may say."
Cleante in Moliere's Tartuffe
"I like my men like I like my tea--weak and green."
from Christopher Moore's A Dirty Job
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes; I am out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Marilyn Monroe
"Be ashamed to die before winning some battle for humanity."
Horace Mann
"In this world you can either be oh-so-smart or oh-so-pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me."
Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) in the film Harvey
1 day ago
1 comment:
OMG, the Tina Fey quote rocks my world.
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