...But this is my understanding of it, and if I'm wrong, Josh can correct me later.
And I'm sure he will.
1. I am, as my roommate tells me, a grammar Nazi. I was the kid in middle school that stopped getting notes from friends because I'd send them back to the writers with corrections written on them. Seriously, I have a whole list of people who can vouch for this.
2. Whenever I get a drink to go, I have to press in all of the buttons on the lid. Not just the one for the beverage I have, ALL of them. I've done this for as long as I can remember, and I have no idea how it started, but I always do it. In fact, I freak out if I don't. Like really freak out. We're talking serious panic here.
3. I hate, hate, HATE when waiters and waitresses or the like call me "sweetie," "darling," "honey," etc. In my opinion, if you don't know me, you have no right to call me by any kind of pet name. In fact, I'd say that you ought not call me by a pet name even if you DO know me.
4. Like my brother-in-law, I can't stand tardiness in myself or others. If I have to wait more than five or ten minutes for you, odds are that I won't be there when you finally do arrive. I've been involved in the theatre for several years and, when you're involved in a show in any way, you really can't afford to be late: it tends to piss off the people you're working with. Maybe punctuality was drilled into my brain by call sheets; maybe it's just innate. Either way, being late-- especially being late without letting me know that you will be-- is one of my pet peeves.
5. I never remember to pack a contact lens case when I go on trips. Now, this could be because I've only been wearing contacts for about a year, but with how often I go back and forth from college to home, you'd think I'd have gotten in the habit of packing the stupid thing. But no. I always have to go get a new case. I have about ten now, so, if you need one, I'm the person to ask.
Being as I'm a quirky person all around, there are plenty of things that didn't make this list. I'm sure anyone who knows me would volunteer their own list (whether you really want them to or not).
So there, Josh. I've done your stupid challenge. Pick on someone else. :)
19 hours ago
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