12 March 2008

The Sounds of Home

Spending a week at home should be relaxing. For the most part, it is: I don't have classes to worry about, other people are willing to buy food for me and I can watch as much West Wing and Law & Order as I want.

But, in my time away, I've forgotten how loud home can be.

Not during the day (aside from when my niece is over here-- but that's beside the point).

At night, though, when I'm trying to sleep, the noise is ridiculous.

My home is next to a cow pasture. It's also in the local airport's flight path. Oh, and let's not forget the railroad track that's just a mile or two down the road.

The worst nighttime noise is my dad's snoring. Sleep apnea is a terrible thing, let me tell you.

Every so often, all of these noises combine. It's like a snoring, mooing, whistling jet is circling around my room.

And my parents wonder why I take naps so often at home.


J.C. said...

It's bad when home sounds more like a zoo than school. O:-)

Heath said...

yeah, I agree with Josh. Pretty bad when you have to go to a COLLEGE DORM to get some sleep.