09 June 2008

Chicken McNuggets

Or maybe not.

Apparently, a live chicken has been hanging around a California McDonald's. Quite the daredevil, no?

Anyway, this chicken, who I'm beginning to think may be a guerrilla warrior for the poultry cause, was finally caught by some quick witted fast food workers (...yeah).

So what are the folks at McDonald's going to do? Let someone take it home as a pet.

I think they might want to rethink this. Doesn't it just show the other chickens that, with enough tenacity, they can overcome all of us?

Here's the link for the full story. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25055930/?GT1=43001

1 comment:

Angela Ackerman said...

I just saw this today on Yahoo news...it cracked me up. And yes, I agree...we could have a revolt on our hands...